Saturday, December 25, 2010

Salgala History

Salgala Details
 “Only soft birdcalls, rustling leaves and a gentle drizzle accompany us as we weave our way up the picturesque Salgala forest monastery. Salgala is a haven for monks who have renounced worldly pleasures to lead a life of austerity and meditation. A place of rare serenity, which could inspire Sandesha Kavya writers, Salgala, is easily accessible from Warakapola. Seven miles on the Anguruwakanda road and another 2 1/2 miles from Galapitamada bring one to its entrance. To the villagers, this natural forest reserve extending over 600 acres is merely the ‘Ketakilla Mukalana’- a place to gather firewood and herbs.
In recent times, miscreants hunting for invaluable herbal plants fetching high prices and couples seeking solitude have invaded this forest reserve.

Natural beauty of rocks, caves and lush greenery, Paved walks for meditation, similar to Ritigala and Arankele monasteries are a feature of Salgala. Moss-covered, slippery and weatherbeaten stone steps lead you to a beautiful stone-carved entrance, symbolic of the ‘wahalkada’ which defines the monastery boundary, believed to have been the abode of forest dwelling Arhants. Many herbs, which Maithree identifies for my benefit, cover the path.
Wooden plaques hanging from tree branches with quotes from the Dhammapada on life and impermanence. Salgala consists of 18 rock caves, all taking their names from Sanskrit. The Poth Gula, the original library today is another cave close to ‘Vehara Guha’, the original ‘dana shalawa’. On a higher level is ‘Gijjakuta’, a massive rock cave in front of which, is a sapling of the Ananda Bodhi of India and a tiny vihara called ‘Gandhakuti’ now overgrown with jungle.
The history of this ancient monastery is as fascinating as its breathtaking beauty and is intrinsically woven with threads from King Walagamba’s life. “Batha Dama Gutha Lena” Here we can find the hideout of King Walagamba which he later offered to Arhant Bhathru Dharma Gupta. A stone inscription in Asokan letters substantiates this historical fact. Dating back to 440 Buddha years (104 BC), Salgala must have been a haven to the king plagued by Chola invasions and fleeing from one area to another.
The zenith of the picturesque setting is the ‘Belumgala’. Its sheer beauty takes our breath away while gusts of wind threaten to blow us off the rocky terrain. This was once Walagamba’s secret spot from where he could survey the entire land expanse. From the east one can see Adam’s Peak and from the west, the Indian Ocean.
According to Hendala Damitha Thero, the pious king also created Lenagala which adjoins Salgala, the two monasteries being originally connected by a tunnel. It is believed that this was the king’s favourite escape route and even today the tunnel is accessible from both ends.
H. Sri Nissanka, a legislator of great religious zeal, restored the ancient monastery, neglected for centuries in 1930. It was Nissanka’s aim to create a place for forest-dwelling monks to live in meditation.
Accounts on Salgala claim that Sri Nissanka who had first hand experience of the Indian monastic life, with the assistance of Lanka’s first Premier D.S. Senanayke, the lay advisor to the temple until his death, restored Salgala to its pristine glory. And to ensure that nothing could affect the sanctity of this monastery, once inhabited by the Arhants, bhikkus were selected with meticulous care according to a specially designed code of ethics based on the {xe “Suttas”}Suttas. Today, the forest-dwelling monks follow the same rules. They have little to do with villagers and pass their time in meditation. No power battles or sectarianism are allowed and vegetarianism and austere living are musts.
You can see monks seated in deep meditation with a skeletons before him. The bathing spots too are adorned with drawings of skeletons- reminders of life’s impermanence. And devotees pay silent homage here as if not to disturb the cave dwelling monks. The temple gates open at 9 a.m. and are soon thronged by devotees. The gates close again by 1 p.m.
The name Salgala is a derivative of ‘shila guha’ or ‘shila gul’ meaning rock caves. Originally, the first Prime Minister, D. S. Senanayake declared 700 acres of lush green forest a natural reserve. It was later proposed to extend these boundaries, but so far nothing has happened.
The Salgala forest has trees well over hundred feet tall and thick undergrowth. Valuable trees such as milla, pihimbiya, eta heraliya, hal, nedun, godapara, diya thaliya are found aplenty, while rare medicinal plants such as ira raja, sanda raja, kuda hedaya and maha hedaya grow in abundance here. The lush forest is also home to 30 varieties of rare butterflies, birds and many reptiles”

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